Sunday, January 4, 2009

Prayer Letter - Jan 09

Dear friends,

We trust you all had a wonderful festive season with friends and family. May 2009 be a year filled with grace & joy for you.
Thank you for keeping us in your prayers throughout last year - it means a lot to us!

We would like to ask you to join us in our family faith project for January.

As most of you know we are homeschooling our children. Tanya & Stefan really excelled during 2008 and we're looking forward to the year ahead.
We're using a wonderful homechooling curriculum. At the moment we don't have any of the materials & books for Tanya & Stefan for this year yet.
We see a great opportunity in this to teach our children about faith and we'll be praying with them for the above.

Would you join us in trusting God for the follwing two things?
For Inesa for wisdom & grace as she plans to start teaching the children shortly
For the funds (R8000) for the curiculum as well as funds (R700/month) for extramural activities for the year?

Thank you for trusting & praying with us - we are very grateful for your prayers in our lives.


Nelis, Inesa, Tanya &Stefan

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