Thursday, April 16, 2009

prayer letter april 09

Our dear friends and family,

We are writing to you with grateful hearts. In the last few months we have seen the Lord coming through in miraculous ways!

One of the most special moments was Stefan giving his heart to the Lord.

As I write this I keep on looking at my book shelf and all the school materials He has provided for our family. We are enjoying them so much that we often get carried away and spend extra hours 'doing school'.

He is SO faithful. Our hearts overflow!

We just got back from visiting Nelis' dad who is ill and are very glad we had this time with him and Nelis' mom.

Would you please keep the following in your prayers:
□ Inesa's health – she has been feeling very tired and needs to make adjustments in her nutrition and routine.
□ Steady increase in our monthly support & people to partner with us on a monthly basis.
□ For wisdom for Nelis and our team here who will be sending 40+ students out to African countries on their outreaches.

We are very grateful for your friendship and prayers and pray God's richest blessings upon your lives.

With love from the van Rooyen family

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Prayer letter Feb 2009

Dear Friends,

First a praise report! – We (All Nations) have moved in to our new 'home'/training facility called Africa House!! Our hearts are overflowing with joy & praise at this – please read more and watch the short video clip about it on the normal page of our blog – it's worth it! 

The last month has been very challenging for us and we know that your prayers have been instrumental in allowing us to access God's grace. Your prayer support is very important to us.

Nelis' grandfather (who's 87yrs) had a bad fall about 3 weeks ago and we've been taking care of him since then. We're trying to find a place for him where he can receive the care he needs long term.

Would you remember the following in your prayers please?

1) Financial provision (R8000) for us to purchase the school curriculum needed & extra-mural activities (R700/month) for the children for 2009

2) Wisdom & creative ways for us to grow our monthly financial support base to a place that's sustainable

3) Strength & grace from the Lord to joyfully walk the road He has set before us at this time (for HE is our joy & reward, not the road & what it hold )

Thank you for trusting & praying with us. We're grateful for you in our lives


Nelis, Inesa, Tanya & Stefan

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Prayer Letter - Jan 09

Dear friends,

We trust you all had a wonderful festive season with friends and family. May 2009 be a year filled with grace & joy for you.
Thank you for keeping us in your prayers throughout last year - it means a lot to us!

We would like to ask you to join us in our family faith project for January.

As most of you know we are homeschooling our children. Tanya & Stefan really excelled during 2008 and we're looking forward to the year ahead.
We're using a wonderful homechooling curriculum. At the moment we don't have any of the materials & books for Tanya & Stefan for this year yet.
We see a great opportunity in this to teach our children about faith and we'll be praying with them for the above.

Would you join us in trusting God for the follwing two things?
For Inesa for wisdom & grace as she plans to start teaching the children shortly
For the funds (R8000) for the curiculum as well as funds (R700/month) for extramural activities for the year?

Thank you for trusting & praying with us - we are very grateful for your prayers in our lives.


Nelis, Inesa, Tanya &Stefan